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Orchestrated Air Booking

Travel Agency
Airline Carrier

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The Orchestrated Air Booking API (EnhancedAirBookRQ) is used to book, price, and compare prices for a maximum of 99 flight segments.

Target Audience
Travel Agency
Airline Carrier
API Version
Session Token
Service Action Code

The basic transactions in this service that accomplish these tasks are described below:

  • If desired, content is removed from the Sabre work area (AAA) before booking flight segments or pricing flights to ensure that undesired content is not present.
  • The flight itinerary is booked.
  • The flight itinerary is priced.
  • The flight itinerary taxes are calculated.
  • Depending on parameters in the request, either the PNR is displayed after all transactions in the service are completed, or the content in the AirItinerary node is returned.
  • Content is removed from the Sabre work area after all transactions are completed.

Before using this service, it is assumed that the client has completed shopping and has chosen flights to sell.

Depending on the options chosen, successful use of this service results in the following:

  • .../PriceComparison@SpecifiedAmount is returned along with .../PriceComparison@ReturnedAmount to allow the client application to compare the two amounts to determine if a fare increase occurred between the shopping and the booking steps.
  • The fare is retained, storing the priced air segments in the PNR and redisplaying the PNR. The pricing is also stored as a PQ record.
  • The air segments and pricing are returned in lieu of the priced air segments being stored in the PNR.

To book air segments, the flight information and itinerary sequence number from a shopping response are passed in .../OTA_AirBookRQ/FlightSegment.

To use this service for pricing one or more air segments in an itinerary, pricing parameters are passed in the .../OTA_AirPriceRQ node.

Sample Request
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<EnhancedAirBookRQ version="3.10.0" xmlns="" HaltOnError="true">
            <FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2019-06-03T12:30:00" FlightNumber="1022" NumberInParty="1" ResBookDesigCode="F" Status="NN" InstantPurchase="false">
                <DestinationLocation LocationCode="LAS"/>
                <MarketingAirline Code="US" FlightNumber="1022"/>
                <OriginLocation LocationCode="DFW"/>
    <PostProcessing IgnoreAfter="true">
    <PreProcessing IgnoreBefore="false">
        <UniqueID ID="JEGYLT"/>
Sample Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<EnhancedAirBookRS xmlns="">
    <stl:ApplicationResults xmlns:stl="" status="Complete">
        <stl:Success timeStamp="2019-02-08T07:34:51.136-05:00"/>
            <FlightSegment ArrivalDateTime="06-03T13:45" DepartureDateTime="06-03T12:55" FlightNumber="1022" NumberInParty="001" ResBookDesigCode="F" Status="QF" eTicket="true">
                <DestinationLocation LocationCode="LAS"/>
                <MarketingAirline Code="US" FlightNumber="1022"/>
                <OriginLocation LocationCode="DFW"/>
                    <AddressLine>SABRE TRAVEL</AddressLine>
                    <AddressLine>3150 SABRE DRIVE</AddressLine>
                    <AddressLine>SOUTHLAKE, TX US</AddressLine>
                    <ContactNumber LocationCode="DFW" Phone="817-555-1212-H-1.1" RPH="001"/>
                <PersonName WithInfant="false" NameNumber="01.01" NameReference="ABC123" PassengerType="ADT" RPH="1">
                    <Item RPH="1">
                        <MiscSegment DayOfWeekInd="6" DepartureDateTime="12-12" NumberInParty="01" SegmentNumber="0001" Status="GK" Type="OTH">
                            <OriginLocation LocationCode="FSG"/>
                            <Vendor Code="UA"/>
                    <Item RPH="2">
                        <FlightSegment AirMilesFlown="0253" ArrivalDateTime="03-23T06:30" DayOfWeekInd="7" DepartureDateTime="2019-03-23T05:25" ElapsedTime="01.05" eTicket="true" FlightNumber="0385" NumberInParty="01" ResBookDesigCode="Y" SegmentNumber="0001" SmokingAllowed="false" SpecialMeal="false" Status="TK" StopQuantity="00">
                            <DestinationLocation LocationCode="AUH" Terminal="TERMINAL 3" TerminalCode="3"/>
                            <Equipment AirEquipType="319"/>
                            <MarketingAirline Code="EY" FlightNumber="0385"/>
                            <Meal Code="R"/>
                            <OperatingAirline CompanyShortName="ETIHAD AIRWAYS"/>
                            <OriginLocation LocationCode="DFW"/>
                            <Text>OPERATED BY ETIHAD AIRWAYS</Text>
                    <Item RPH="3">
                        <FlightSegment AirMilesFlown="0253" ArrivalDateTime="03-23T06:30" DayOfWeekInd="7" DepartureDateTime="2019-03-23T05:25" ElapsedTime="01.05" eTicket="true" FlightNumber="0385" NumberInParty="01" ResBookDesigCode="Y" SegmentNumber="0001" SmokingAllowed="false" SpecialMeal="false" Status="QF" StopQuantity="00">
                            <DestinationLocation LocationCode="AUH" Terminal="TERMINAL 3" TerminalCode="3"/>
                            <Equipment AirEquipType="319"/>
                            <MarketingAirline Code="EY" FlightNumber="0385"/>
                            <Meal Code="R"/>
                            <OperatingAirline CompanyShortName="ETIHAD AIRWAYS"/>
                            <OriginLocation LocationCode="DFW"/>
                            <Text>OPERATED BY ETIHAD AIRWAYS</Text>
            <ItineraryRef AirExtras="false" ID="DJEJWQ" InhibitCode="U" PartitionID="AA" PrimeHostID="1S">
                <Source AAA_PseudoCityCode="7TZA" CreateDateTime="2015-01-22T08:27" CreationAgent="AW5" HomePseudoCityCode="7TZA" PseudoCityCode="7TZA" ReceivedFrom="DEMO" LastUpdateDateTime="2019-05-22T08:27" SequenceNumber="2"/>
                <Remark RPH="001" Type="Historical">
                    <Text>TEST HISTORICAL REMARK</Text>
                <Remark RPH="002" Type="Invoice">
                    <Text>TEST INVOICE REMARK</Text>
                <Remark RPH="003" Type="Itinerary">
                    <Text>TEST ITINERARY REMARK</Text>
            <SpecialServiceInfo RPH="001" Type="GFX">
                <Service SSR_Code="OSI">
                    <Airline Code="UA"/>
                    <PersonName NameNumber="01.01">TEST/SP</PersonName>
            <SpecialServiceInfo RPH="002" Type="GFX">
                <Service SSR_Code="OSI">
                    <Airline Code="UA"/>
                    <PersonName NameNumber="01.01">TEST/SP</PersonName>