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CKI Passenger(s) Seat Swap

Airline Carrier

What is it?

The CKI Passenger Seat Swap API is used to swap assigned seats for checked-in passenger(s) and issues corresponding boarding pass(es) with the updated seat number.

Why use it?

In an airport environment, agents can request for swapping assigned seats of checked-in passengers, for a seamless operation.

How it works

The CKI Passenger Seat Swap

  • is only available for passenger(s) who have already checked-in.
  • must be in the same cabin.
  • can be performed for Free, Fulfilled, Waived, and Non-chargeable seats.

A single seat swap request can contain a maximum of 10 seats (pair of 5). Associated AE gets updated with the new seat number. Price and AE details remain the same after the swap.

Printing options during seat swap operation

The boarding pass (printed as a result of seat swap) can be requested in multiple formats. If the carrier has a boarding pass with digital signature capabilities active, on request, the barcode gets digitally signed.

The API supports the following printing options:

  • Image – returns boarding pass data in the binary image data.
  • PECTAB – returns boarding pass data with PECTAB and data stream.
  • Boarding Pass Data – returns boarding pass data with JSON structured data.
  • ZPL Boarding Pass Data – returns boarding pass data in Zebra Programming Language (ZPL).

The Passenger Seat Swap API also supports multi-segment boarding pass printing, if the airline and airport have activated this feature.

How to use

Precondition: Passengers must check in first; then either the passenger or an agent can request a seat swap with another passenger. Passengers cannot swap their seat with an empty seat.

  • Agents must provide flight details like airline code, flight number, departure date, and departure city, whereas the arrival city code is not mandatory. They must also provide checked-in passenger details like last name, passenger ID, current/assigned seat number, and requested seat number for the swap.
  • In a single request, agents can request seat swap for a maximum of 10 passengers (5 pairs).
  • Agents may choose the printing options (Image/PECTAB/BoardingPassData/ZplBoardingPassData) to print the new boarding pass with the updated seat number.
  • This API supports printing multi-segment boarding passes when activated for the airline and airport. Set multiSegmentBoardingPass to true to print the boarding pass on a multi-segment boarding pass layout.
  • To digitally sign the barcode of the boarding pass(s), agents can set includeDigitalSignatureData as true.