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CKI Passenger Details

Airline Carrier

What is it?

The Passenger Details API is used to fetch passenger information prior to check-in. Information retrieved provides passenger details like name, address, contact number, frequent flyer number, seat information, meal preferences (if any), and any special services requested.

Airlines can also use Passenger Details to request Timatic information, bag pool details, passenger bag tag information, and passenger details during a biometric check-in.

Why use it?

Required passenger information is not always provided at the time a reservation is made. In this scenario, Passenger Details helps passengers verify if any required information is missing or not prior to check-in.

How it works

Passenger Details fetches passenger information based on required fields in the request. Some notable features of this API include:

  • Validates the passenger information before check-in
  • Fetches Timatic details of the passenger(s)
  • Request bagpool information with the help of includeBagPoolDetails
  • Fetch all segments associated with a passenger with includeAllConnectingSegmentDetails
  • Fetches all passenger information based on uniquePassengerIdList during a biometric check-in process

How to use

To verify and check in passengers, provide the following parameters to make a successful call to the Passenger Details API:

  • To validate the passenger's check-in requirements, set validateCheckInRequirements to true
  • To review all segments in the passenger's journey prior to check-in, set includeAllConnectingSegmentDetails to true
  • To include bag pool details in the response, set includeBagPoolDetails to true
  • Fetch the passenger's details by providing their seatNumber or groupCode. If multiple passengers have the same group code, provide flightCriteria such as airline code, flight number, departure date, and departure city to further refine the fetch operation.
  • Fetch passenger details by passengerId or pnrLocator as long as the passenger's lastName is present
  • Fetch passenger details by providing the bagTagNumber if the passenger has a corresponding bag
  • In the event of a biometric check-in, populate uniquePassengerIdList (which is a combination of the passenger's PNR and check-in sequence number) and flightCriteria