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CKI Passenger Accommodate

Airline Carrier

What is it?

Airlines use the Accommodate Passenger service to upgrade or downgrade some passengers in certain cabin classes that are overbooked. After the passenger is upgraded or downgraded, the airline agent must print a new boarding pass for this passenger.

Why use it?

When positive space and non-revenue passengers are accommodated from the priority list, they are placed on the priority list of the next downline flight. If a specific seat is requested and the agent has the proper authority, override of the seat blocks occurs.

If a passenger is accommodated on his origin flight, but cannot be accommodated on his outbound connection, priority verification cards are issued for the outbound connecting flight if required for the boardpoint (as per the carrier settings).

How it works

The Accommodate Passenger Service supports the following:

• Accommodating the passenger from the priority list.

• Passengers can be accommodated from the Stand by or from the upgrade list.

• Supports either all the passenger from the Priority list or set of 10 passengers in a single call.

• Upgrade all passengers from the Priority List.

How to use

The client needs to provide the following details in the request of AccommodatePassenger service

- Flight criteria such as airline code, flight number, departure date, and departure city.
- Accommodate All Types - AccommodateAll or UpgradeAll.
- List of Passengers (passenger id and seat number).
- Requested cabin class code.
- Print format (Image/PECTAB/BoardingPassData/ZplBoardingPassData).