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Trip Proposal Services

Trip Management
Travel Agency

What is it?

The Trip Proposal API is a suite of web services that create travel quotes without withholding inventory from suppliers. The suite features the ability to convert proposals into booked segments with the option to validate the price (Sabre content only). It can also store content from different sources other than the GDS.

  • Shopping cart capability, and ability to save options without withholding inventory.
  • Automatic proposal storage, with an easy-retrieve search functionality.
  • Price validation and convert-to-booking capability.

Why use it?

The API can increase sales conversions and reduce inefficiencies with Trip Proposal APIs. With it, you can also create, share, and store proposed travel itineraries, and convert them into bookings.

  • Automated processes can create new efficiencies, elevate customer service and enable self-service tools, while letting your travelers build and browse their own trip proposals,and keep agents actively involved in the planning process.
  • One-click booking can convert quotes into sales quickly, efficiently and accurately.
  • A consistent proposal formatting and branding will provide an equally consistent customer experience every time.
  • The dynamic shopping cart provides next-level service to help drive repeat customers.

How it works

Trip Proposal APIs consist of services providing CRUD operations to Trip Proposal documents which are stored in Sabre's infrastructure. The Trip Proposal document allows storing products and any related information that are required to create a Traveler-facing offer, and to convert the offer into an actual booking.

  • Create is used to create a Trip Proposal that includes one or multiple Quotes, each of them composed of Options with Travel Products.
  • Read is used to read a specific Trip Proposal from storage. All the details (Quotes, Options, Products) included in the Trip Proposal will be returned from this Service. Note that the Trip Proposal ID must be valid, and the user must have access privileges to the proposal.
  • Update is used to update a specific Trip Proposal, by e.g. changing passenger data, adding/removing options, or changing status. Operation only supports full updates, which means that the requested version of the Trip Proposal document is overwritten by a newer version.
  • Delete is used to remove a specific Trip Proposal from storage when it is no longer needed by the travel agent or passenger.
  • Book is used to convert a Trip Proposal document into a real booking. This service is capable of orchestrating various optional functions.
  • Refresh is used to refresh the pricing and availability status of the orders stored in the Trip Proposal document.
  • Search is used to retrieve a list of any Trip Proposal documents that match the criteria.

How to use

Note: All endpoints accept only the JSON format.

Create/Update/Delete Trip Proposal document

POST v1/tripproposal/document HTTP/1.1 - Create Trip Proposal document. Request: TripProposal document.
Response: TripProposal document.

GET v1/tripproposal/document/{proposalID} HTTP/1.1 - Reads the latest version of Trip Proposal document
Response: TripProposal document.

GET v1/tripproposal/document/{proposalID}/{proposalVersion} HTTP/1.1 - Reads given version of the Trip Proposal document
Response: TripProposal document.

PUT v1/tripproposal/document/{proposalID} HTTP/1.1 - Updates the Trip Proposal document. The entire document is replaced in this operation, as no partial document updates are supported.
Request: Updated TripProposal document.
Response: TripProposal document.

DELETE v1/tripproposal/document/{proposalID} HTTP/1.1 - Deletes the Trip Proposal document

Book selected TripProposal document options

POST v1/tripproposal/book HTTP/1.1 - Converts the selected Trip Proposal document options into PNR
Request: Book TripProposal request.
Response: Book TripProposal response.

Validate (Refresh) selected TripProposal document options

POST v1/tripproposal/refresh HTTP/1.1 - Refreshes the availability and current prices of the offered products (Air, Car, Hotel).
Request: Refresh TripProposal request.
Response: Refresh TripProposal response.

Search in TripProposal documents

POST v1/tripproposal/search HTTP/1.1 - Searches for Trip Proposal documents.
Request: TripSearch criteria request.
Response: Search TripProposal response.