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Get Hotel List

Travel Agency

What is it?

The Get Hotel List API is used to fetch up to a maximum limit of 5,000 hotels based on search parameters like Hotel Property Code, Hotel Name, Brand Code, Chain Codes, Amenity Codes, Property Type Codes, and Sabre Ratings.

Why use it?

Use this API in tandem with the Content Services for Lodging (CSL) suite of APIs to enhance your booking tools:

  • In addition to retrieving a list of hotels, the Get Hotel List API also displays basic hotel information.
  • Look for properties using specific search criteria or property IDs.
  • Further customize the response by specifying the kinds of descriptions you'd like to see in the response, such as amenities, location info, property type info, and more

How it works

This API can be used by passing the Hotel Ids along with optional multiple search parameters and filters.

Search Parameters:

  • Hotel Id is a mandatory input parameter. The API user can request information for up to 5,000 properties in a single request.

Additional search parameters and filters include:

  • Property Name – the request can include 3-20 characters which must be included in the property name
  • Property Status – request only active properties are included in the response
  • Brand and chain information – request information for only properties belonging to certain brands and chains be included in the response
  • Amenities – only properties including the requested amenities would be included in the response
  • SecurityFeature - only properties including the requested SecurityFeature would be included in the response
  • SabreRating - specifies the rating filters to ensure all properties returned fall between the specified min/max rating values