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Content Services for Rail - Notification Status

Travel Agency
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What is it?

Notification Status is used to check the status of a processed notification.

Why use it?

Use this service to check if a requested notification email was sent successfully.

How it works

  1. Send a request with a valid marketingCarrierCode, orderId, and notificationId to the rail system to check the status of the notification.
  2. This method returns the status of a notification requested via the notification service:
    • PROCESSING: The rail system is still processing the notification
    • SUCCESS: The rail system processed the notification successfully and sent the email(s) to the intended recipient(s)
    • ERROR: The rail system finished processing, but an error occurred

Note: Requests can be sent at any time to the rail system.

Caution: Consuming this API and its content requires a special permission. Before requesting access all the necessary agreements should be in place with the rail vendor(s) you would like to sell using Content Services for Rail. For more information on accessing Sabre Rail content and rail supplier contacts please visit the respective product page on Sabre Central.

How to use


GET /v2/rail/orders/{marketingCarrierCode}/{orderId}/travelDocuments/notification/{notificationId}


Provide the order ID and the notification ID returned from the notification service.


Status of the notification process.