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Content Services for Rail - Search For Rail Card Renewal

Travel Agency

What is it?

This method returns offers for the renewal of a specific rail card. Each offer contains rail card details, its price, and the ID used to create and order the rail card using the prebook service.

Why use it?

Use this method to get offers from Rail vendors for rail cards renewal.

How it works

  1. Send a request to the Rail vendor system with the following search criteria:

    • Code of the marketing carrier whose card offers will be searched ({marketingCarrierCode} in URL)
    • Rail card code (vendor-specific)
    • Card validity start date
    • Rail card owner criteria, which include date of birth and discount information
    • Existing rail card number in the URL
  2. The response returns a list of all offers generated by the Rail vendor for renewal of the specified card. The offers are bookable entities that can be used to create an order with the POST /v1/rail/orders/{marketingCarrier} method.

The returned offers are assigned a unique ID, price, rail card code, validity period, and any applicable discounts. The existing rail card's data is also returned, which includes the card number and card owner information.

In addition to the offer's unique ID, responses contain additional information required to create an order:

  • Delivery code
  • Fulfillment requirements
  • Payment options

Caution: Consuming this API and its content requires special permission. Before requesting access please make sure you have all the necessary agreements in place with the rail vendor(s) you would like to sell using Content Services for Rail. For more information on accessing Sabre Rail content and rail supplier contacts please visit the respective product page on Sabre Central.

Vendor Code Payment via API Notes
SNCF 2C No “On account” only. Direct settlement with agency. No individual or corporate credit cards.

How to use


Search for renewal offers for an existing rail card: POST /v1/rail/offers/cards/{marketingCarrierCode}/{existingRailCardNumber}


Provide a search criteria element with rail card criteria containing:

  • Code of the marketing carrier whose offers will be searched ({marketingCarrierCode} in URL)
  • Rail card code (vendor-specific)
  • Validity start date
  • Rail card owner criteria, such as date of birth and discount criteria
  • An existing rail card number in the URL ({existingRailCardNumber}).


Returns a list of rail card offers, including a unique offerId, and all other details needed to create an order for a specific rail card.