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Content Services for Rail - Report Billing Months

Travel Agency

What is it?

This method returns report details.

Why use it?

Use this method to get a billing report for previous or current month.

How it works

  1. Send a request to the Rail vendor system to get a monthly billing report for a currently logged user.

    Note: The request can be sent at any time to get the most current monthly billing report.

  2. All report details are returned in a structured format, including the following information:
    • Report criteria with reportType and fromDate and toDate
    • Sales statistics with agencyAccountNumber and channelBalances
    • channelBalances contains information about channel and balances
    • balances contains billing statistics for specific operation type

Caution: Consuming this API and its content requires special permission. Before requesting access please make sure you have all the necessary agreements in place with the rail vendor(s) you would like to sell using Content Services for Rail. For more information on accessing Sabre Rail content and rail supplier contacts please visit the respective product page on Sabre Central.

How to use


GET /v1/rail/reports/billings/{marketingCarrierCode}/months/{monthType}


Provide correct marketing carrier code to make a successful request.

For months, select the correct reportsBillingParam:

  • current
  • previous


Returns billing report information for the requested previous or current month.

Ticket Status

The returned ticketStatus object can contain the following values:

  • RES
  • TKT
  • CNX (Cancelled)
  • RFD (Refunded)
  • OTH (Other)