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Content Services for Rail - Exchange Offers

Travel Agency

What is it?

The exchange process consists of 3 steps:

1. Exchange offers search
2. Exchange estimate
3. Exchange confirm

This method is the first step in the exchange process. The Exchange Offers API allows travelers to find a new offer for the part of the order to be exchanged.

Why use it?

Use this method to search for new rail offers in the exchange order process.

How it works

  1. Send a request to the rail vendor system to return offers for the exchange. Each order’s unit (that can be exchanged) is returned in the order response in the form of an exchange option element. exchangeOptionId is required in the exchange offer request, accompanied by a new offer search criteria.

  2. The response returns a list of offers generated by the rail vendor for the criteria provided in the request.
    The Exchange Offers response contains:

    • Schedules
    • Offers with assigned prices, itineraries, transport product details
    • Passengers specification
    • Delivery options
    • Fulfillment requirements
    • Payment options
    • Seat reservation options

In addition, the Exchange Offer method returns ExchangeOfferCriteria, i.e. ExchangeOptionId and Reason. Note:

Only orders which have assigned exchangeOptions might be exchanged. To review the current status of an order, refer to the GET /v1/rail/orders/{marketingCarrierCode}/{orderId} method. Returned offers are valid only for the limited period, depending on the rail vendor system (around 15 minutes).

Caution: Consuming this API and its content requires special permission. Before requesting access please make sure you have all the necessary agreements in place with the rail vendor(s) you would like to sell using Content Services for Rail. For more information on accessing Sabre Rail content and rail supplier contacts please visit the respective product page on Sabre Central.

Vendor Code Payment via API Notes
SNCF 2C No “On account” only. Direct settlement with agency. No individual or corporate credit cards.

How to use


POST /v1/rail/orders/{marketingCarrierCode}/{orderId}/exchangeOffers


Provide one exchangeOfferCriteria element containing:

  • The code of the marketing carrier whose offers will be searched ({marketingCarrierCode} in URL)
  • The ID of the order's unit that we are going to exchange, i.e. exchangeOptionId from the order's response.
  • Departure and arrival data such as location, date and time.
  • Passenger data, including discount details.
  • Any potential reason to avoid fees after the sales transaction.


Returns a list of exchange offers, including a unique offerId, and all the other details needed to process the exchange. The exchangeOffer response is similar to railSearchSingleTrip response.