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Content Services for Rail - Dictionaries

Travel Agency

What is it?

This method lists the available dictionaries for a requested language and marketing carrier.

Why use it?

This method is used to retrieve dictionary names for a specific marketing carrier.

How it works

  1. Send a request with a valid marketingCarrierCode and an optional Accept-Language header to the rail system to obtain a list of dictionary names.
  2. This method returns dictionary names available for the current marketingCarrierCode and Accept-Language values entered in the request.

Note: Requests can be sent at any time to the rail system.

Caution: Consuming this API and its content requires a special permission. Before requesting access all the necessary agreements should be in place with the rail vendor(s) you would like to sell using Content Services for Rail. For more information on accessing Sabre Rail content and rail supplier contacts please visit the respective product page on Sabre Central.

How to use


GET /v1/rail/dictionaries/{marketingCarrierCode}


The Accept-Language header determines the language the response will be in. If the requested language is not supported or the header is not provided, a default language is selected and the response will contain an additional warning. Do not provide any elements in the request body, since they will be ignored; only a marketingCarrierCode should be provided.


Returns a list of elements with a name and value pair. Value contains the name of the dictionary provided in the request criteria.