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CKI Flight Update

Airline Carrier

What is it?

Flight Update is used to update flight statuses within the host system and to change the flight status when appropriate.

Why use it?

The ability to update flight details is a crucial function during the check-in window. Flight Update allows your solution to change flight statuses, set passenger counts, and perform other vital update functions.

How it works

#### Update flight statuses directly within the host system

When executed, Flight Update follows any existing business logic surrounding status changes.

Utilize various flight statuses

This API currently supports the following flight statuses:


Set priorities

  • Set priorities to maintain control over which classification of priority passengers may be issued boarding passes as a result of a check-in entry
  • When a restriction is placed on a specific class of service, priority passengers with the input priority code (and any lower codes) will only be placed on the priority list when the check-in entry is made

Child/wheelchair counts

Easily log child and/or wheelchair counts for a given flight leg.

How to use


The following fields are required to make a request:

  • airlineCode
  • flightNumber
  • departureAirportCode
  • departureDate
  • updateCount - Log child passengers and/or wheelchair passenger count on the flight. Child and/or wheelchair counts are independent of each other, so you can enter one without the other.

Priority restrictions

Utilize the optional priorityRestriction field to place restrictions on a certain cabin class. If priorityRestriction is used, action is mandatory, which allows you to specify whether to EDIT or DELETE a restriction.

Flight status matrix

Callers can request to update a flight update at an airport using mandatory/optional information provided in the request. The below are the flight statuses that are supported under v2.

Status Description
OPENA Flight check-in is only allowed at the local departure airport.
OPENAI Flight check-in is allowed at any airport that a specified airline carrier operates out of. Check-ins of this type are valid only at airline locations.
OPENC The flight is open for check-in and seat selection at any location. The automatic issuance of inter-city boarding passes from an upline location is disabled.
OPENCI Normal check-in. The flight is open for check-in and seat selection at any location. Automatic issuance of an inter-city boarding pass from an upline location in enabled.
CLOSE The flight leg is not available for check-in. Flights may be changed to CLOSE if the current status is OPEN or FINAL.
HELD, HELDALL Inhibits all non-control workstations from check-in access to a specific flight leg. Placing a flight leg in held status allows you to make flight or seat adjustments.
RETURN The flight has returned to the gate. Airlines may change the status to RETURN if the flight returns to the gate after final PDC.
UNREST Unrestricted.
CANCEL Indicates that the flight is no longer operational.
FINAL, FINALALL The final hour of check-in and seat selection for a flight at the departure city.
PDC, PDCSUP, PDCXM Post-departure checkout. The flight has been closed for check-in and has departed.
BOARDING, XBOARDING Indicates if the boarding process for the flight has started. BOARDING is not a flightLegStatus in the SSCI system. Upon boarding, the flightLegStatus still continues to be OPENCI. Instead, an additional BDG indicator is set at the SSCI level to indicate boarding. This indicator will be removed only upon changing flightLegStatus to CLOSE. This indicator can also be manually removed using XBOARDING.
NOOP and XNOOP Specifies if the flight leg at the station is cancelled.
LOCKED After repeated attempts to CLOSE a flight outside of the load plan variance, the flight is locked from further CLOSE attempts.