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Stateless Fulfillment API

Airline Carrier

If you are interested in using Digital Connect Stateless APIs, please reach out to your account director.

What is it?

This API is evolving based on customer feedback. It might not keep backward compatibility

The Stateless Fulfillment service can be used for fulfilling VCR's (air tickets) and/or fulfilling/exchanging EMD's (ancillary tickets) once payment authorization is complete, to prevent any fraudulent activities based on passenger and payment details. The service notifies customers about bookings and/or modifications made to a booking. The stateless service generates VCR and EMD's records based on the given payment transaction details, which can later be used for any post booking operations. Additionally, service provides support for post-ticketing fraud check.

Why use it?


Leveraging the Stateless Fulfillment service is accompanied by the following capabilities listed below.

  • Issue VCRs: Fulfillment service will issue VCR document(s) for all existing air segments in the PNR. API user has to provide following information in the request: PNR locator, pseudo city data, payment authorization details, passenger breakdown.
  • Issue EMDs: Fulfillment service will issue EMD document(s) for either all existing AE items or only these which are specified in the request and are already in the PNR.
  • Exchange EMDs: Fulfillment service will exchange existing EMD document(s) for all existing AE items or only these which are requested by user and are already in the PNR. Additionally service has a capability to re-associate AE item to the correct EMD (if needed also EMD to EMD exchange will be processed)
  • Post-ticketing Fraud Check: Fulfillment service provides capability od post-ticketing Fraud Check.

How it works

Issue VCR

Based on the air items and price quotes which are already in the reservation, service will issue air ticket (VCR). It is required to provide information on the PNR locator, Office Accounting Code and Payment Authorization details.

  • The user creates a request providing information about the PNR locator, PCC/OAC data, payment authorization etc. Please visit the reference documentation section for details regarding the contract.

Issue EMD

Based on the ancillary items which are already in the reservation, service will issue EMD documents. As for VCR issuance, it is required to provide information on PNR locator, OAC data, Payment Authorization. Additionally, there is also a capability to select ancillaries which are already in the reservation to be fulfilled.

  • The user creates a request providing information about the PNR locator, PCC/OAC data, payment authorization etc. Please visit the reference documentation section for details regarding the contract.

Exchange EMD

Based on the ancillary items which are already in the reservation, service will exchange EMD documents. It is also required to provide information on PNR locator, OAC data, Payment Authorization. Additionally, there is also a capability to select ancillaries which are already in the reservation to be fulfilled.

  • The user creates a request providing information about the PNR locator, PCC/OAC data, payment authorization etc. Please visit the reference documentation section for details regarding the contract.

Fraud Check

Service also additionally supports post-ticketing Fraud Check. Fraud check process can be performed for following forms of payment: Credit Card, Travel Bank, Cash. In case of Review result - PNR is put on queue (provided by API user).

  • To use Fraud Check functionality, user has to provide Review queue number. Please visit the reference documentation section for details regarding the contract.

How to use

You can download the postman collection with sample usage of Stateless Fulfillment from our collection here. The collection contains details about how to setup and perform operations using stateless services.