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Get Cabin For Rbd

Airline Carrier
Travel Agency

What is it?

Only the first match for the given information will be returned. The more information given will result in a more accurate return. If the processing/ticketed date is not provided, the assumption will be current date.

The mandatory information is carrier code, RBD (or class code), origin and destination of the travel segment, flight number is mandatory unless this is an open segment type. Travel Date (departure date) is required unless this is an open segment type.

Why use it?

You can use this service to check Reservation Booking Designator (RBD) for specified market/flight/equipment at a given date.

How it works

Only the first match for the given information will be returned. The more information given, the more accurate the returned information will be. If the processing/ticketed date is not provided, the API will default to the current date.

How to use

Mandatory to make a successful call includes carrier code, RBD (or class code), origin and destination of the travel segment, and flight number. The flight number is mandatory unless the call is for an open segment type. The travel date (departure date) is mandatory unless this is an open segment type.


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