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Advanced Calendar Search

Travel Agency
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What is it?

Advanced Calendar extends the search for the best itinerary offers for up to 192 days of previously shopped offers instantly. Results include up to 200 lead fares, either nonstop or overall, whichever is lowest, with corresponding offer detail.

Note: This API requires activation and Sabre Dev Studio/Travel Insight Engine Amendment to be signed. Please contact your Sabre Account Representative for assistance.

Why use it?

  • Date Flexibility
    Offer a calendar feature spanning 6+ months comparing offers across multiple date combinations

  • Instant Results
    Results are returned fast (sub-second response)

  • Increase Conversion
    Enables you to build greater customer value which leads to increased bookings and higher revenues

How it works

For a given origin and destination, Advanced Calendar parses previously shopped offers across an array of specified dates. The service is highly customizable and offers unsurpassed search criteria including filtering such as specify multiple lengths of stay, number of stops, day of week, departure/arrival time window per leg. For the complete list of search criteria, consult the request and response design documentation on this page.

How to use

Paginate tagged elements for a given request ID with "limit" and "offset"

Paginate search results for a given request ID by specifying how many tagged elements to return per request in limit and specifying the starting position to begin retrieving tagged elements in offset. This allows you to more quickly retrieve and return search queries for mobile application requests. Rather than returning all tagged elements, you could return 10 tagged elements per request in limit (limit=10) and specify a starting position of 1 in offset (offset=1). Then you can select a starting position of 11 (offset=11) to retrieve the next 10 results (limit=10).

  1. The first request returns a Request ID for the tagged element data set and a Tag ID with each tagged element from the Advanced Calendar Search API.

POST &enabletagging=true&limit=10&offset=1 HTTP/1.1

  1. The next request retrieves the cached tagged elements from 11 to 20 from the Pagination Request URL.

GET[REQUESTID]?limit=10&offset=11 HTTP/1.1

  1. The last request retrieves the cached tagged elements from 21 to 30 from the Pagination Request URL.

GET[REQUESTID]?limit=10&offset=21 HTTP/1.1

Retrieve a specific tagged element for a given tag ID from the Tag ID Lookup URL

  1. The first request returns a Request ID for the tagged element data set and a Tag ID with each tagged element from the Advanced Calendar Search API.

POST &enabletagging=true HTTP/1.1

  1. The next request retrieves a tagged element from the Tag ID Lookup URL.