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Update Passenger Name Record

Airline Carrier
Travel Agency
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What is it?

The Update Passenger Name Record API is used to update a Passenger Name Record (PNR) by adding specific data elements. These data elements include the addition of air or hotel segments, remarks, seats, special service requests (SSRs), and more, all within a single API call.

Why use it?

Update Passenger Name Record :

  • Simplifies the process of updating a Passenger Name Record (PNR) in a single API call (removes the need to use individual/granular API)
  • Update reservations in a stateless way
  • Create reservations via session-based (ATH) or session-less (ATK) tokens
  • Define the API's behavior when you encounter the most common errors at the time of booking. For example, you can halt reservation modifications if an error is returned during the price check, or, you can retry booking to the next available class of service if the initial booking attempt fails.
  • Specify a different target city (PCC) for the modification of a PNR
  • Introduces error handling to ensure the successful commitment of changes to a PNR

How it works

The Update Passenger Name Record API orchestrates calls to specific APIs across the Sabre platform to update various areas of a Passenger Name Record (PNR). These functions include: The main supported areas are:

  • Add general passenger details (names, contact information, etc)
  • Perform air booking and pricing
  • Perform hotel booking via a booking key
  • Add miscellaneous segment information and special service details (SSRs, Remarks, TSA related details, etc)
  • Add seats to air bookings
  • Finalize transactions by committing the updates made

How to use

Making a request

To ensure the successful execution of this API, the request should specify a valid PNR record locator.

PNR record locator:

Adding air segments

If you plan to add air segments to a reservation that did not previously contain air segments, the request should contain the following information:

  • Ticketing time limit: TravelItineraryAddInfo.AgencyInfo.Ticketing.TicketType

  • Details of the air segments to be booked: AirBook.OriginDestinationInformation.FlightSegment

  • Request to price the successfully booked segments: AirPrice.PriceRequestInformation

  • Request to commit the transaction:

    • PostProcessing.EndTransaction
    • PostProcessing.EndTransaction.Source.ReceivedFrom
  • For reservations departing to/from the US, or flying over the US, it is mandatory to pass Secure Flight Passenger Data (required by TSA): CreatePassengerNameRecordRQ.SpecialReqDetails.SpecialService.SpecialServiceInfo.SecureFlight

Adding hotel segments

If you plan to add hotel segments to a reservation that did not previously contain hotel segments, the request should contain the following information:

  • Travel agency address: TravelItineraryAddInfo.AgencyInfo.Address

  • Hotel booking key: HotelBook.BookingInfo.BookingKey

  • Request to commit the transaction:

    • PostProcessing.EndTransaction
    • PostProcessing.EndTransaction.Source.ReceivedFrom