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dc-core /configuration

Airline Carrier

Beta Release - Use for test purpose only - Work in progress

DRAFT - Subject to change

What is it?

This group of services allows the airline to retrieve information regarding configuration, basic build information and validation.

How it works


This service allows an airline to obtain all configurations for a storefront, including available routes and services. The airline can use this information to populate a Flight Search page by displaying the available routes and services to passengers. The service information is received from ConfigurationServiceImpl and routes are fetched for the storefront using RouteServiceImpl.


This service allows an airline to obtain information about rules that are applicable to the booking on a particular service in order to dynamically configure when to collect passenger information.


This service allows an airline to obtain information about the basic contract validation for the specific request from other services.


This service allows an airline to obtain information about:

  • build number
  • release name
  • configuration version.