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Digital Connect 22.04 Release Notes

Release Identification

Release Version Type (Version, Update, or Patch) Date Approved by Description of Change
22.04 Version April 2022

Sebastian Santos

Software updated


Digital Connect introduces the following enhancements:

  • Modification of SSR DOCO (Redress/Known Traveler Number and Visa)

Defect fixes

Digital Connect introduces the following defect fixes as part of this release:

  • Distributed Poller fixes


Modification of SSR DOCO (Redress/Known Traveler Number and Visa)

Digital Connect introduces changes to the construction rules of the Special Service Request DOCO. Two new elements are introduced to the Passenger Details:

  • Country code
  • Visa expiry date

In the /passenger service, we introduced a Country Code element for both Redress and Known Traveler number. This element is optional in order to ensure backward compatibility. In VisaInfo, we introduced an optional expiryDate element. Clients may make the two elements mandatory if needed, by means of their UI.

This enhancement follows IATA standards and applies to the existing Sabre Web Services.


"passengerInfo": {
                "dateOfBirth": "1959-11-24",
                "gender": "FEMALE",
                "redressNumber": "121231233232",
                "knownTravelerNumber": "17548392783",
                "redressNumberCountryCode": "CA",
                "knownTravelerNumberCountryCode": "CA",
                "type": "ADT",
                "emails": [

"visaInfo": {
           "issuingCountry": "PL",
           "countryOfBirth": "PL",
           "issueDate": "2011-10-21",
           "expiryDate": "2024-01-21", 
           "documentNumber": "91182748",
           "issuePlace": ""




The enhancement only applies to Digital Connect Shop and Book v4.5

Defect fixes

Distributed Poller fixes

Customer Tracking #:


Sabre Tracking #:



When attempting to make a Payment call, Poller was being cancelled with an error message: "will not try to ticket the booking, because it was already done by another thread or external application, cancelling AFOP JobAction" 


A ticketing check has been added for Alternative Forms of Payment (AFOP) and the Book Now Pay Later (BNPL) flow to resolve the issue. The Payment service is now called to get the AFOP payment status without Poller being cancelled before the Payment call.