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Dependencies, Extension Points, and Classes for Views

Whether you are customizing a view or creating the sample view that the procedure in this book builds, both Eclipse and Sabre Red 360 have defined some dependencies, extension points, and classes that are required to create a view. These requirements follow.

Minimum Required Dependencies:

  • org.eclipse.core.runtime

  • org.eclipse.ui

  • com.sabre.edge.platform.core.ui . This is a Sabre Red 360 dependency.

Extension Points:

  • org.eclipse.ui.views

        This Eclipse extension point enables plug-ins to add views to the Sabre Red 360. It is required to add a view to this extension point.

  • org.eclipse.ui.perspectiveExtensions

        It is required to add the perspectiveExtension element to this extension point, and to set the value of the targetId property to

        It is required to add a view to , and to set the value of the relative property to org.eclipse.ui.editorss.

The relative property value ends with two of the letter "s".
  • org.eclipse.ui.commands

        If you are using the Sabre Red 360 handler named com.sabre.edge.platform.core.ui.handlers.OpenViewHandler to open views, it is required to add a commandParameter element to this extension point, and to set the value of the id property to viewId. This ensures compatibility with the Sabre Red 360 handler.

  • org.eclipse.ui.handlers

        You have the following options for org.eclipse.ui.handlers:

  • Use the Sabre Red 360 handler com.sabre.edge.platform.core.ui.handlers.OpenViewHandler.

  • Provide your own handler to extend the org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler class.

It is not necessary to write code to handle the opening of a new view when you use the Sabre Red 360 OpenViewHandler.


  • org.eclipse.ui.part.ViewPart

        This class implements the view’s content. Your class must extend ViewPart.

        If you are creating two views, each with different content, you must create two implementations of this class.

  • createPartControl(Composite parent) method

        This method is responsible for the user interface of the view. The Composite argument is the main parent widget.

        The user interface of the view is the Red App assistant tool that runs within the view window.

  • setFocus() method

        When the view receives focus, setFocus() establishes the widget that receives focus first.

  • A handler class is required for org.eclipse.ui.handlers . You have the following options:

    • Use the Sabre Red 360 handler class com.sabre.edge.platform.core.ui.handlers.OpenViewHandler. You do not need to write code to handle the opening of a view when you use the Sabre Red 360 class.
      Provide your own handler class. Extend the handler class org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler.