Decision Support Bar Tiles
Custom widget can be added to shopping decision support bar.
Tile content
The content class of the tile widget should extend Tile<ShoppingData>
Then in selfDrawerContextModelPropagated
method the setDataContent
method is call with
object that describes the look of the tile.
For example:
caption: '',
contentTitle: 'SDK Decision Support',
contents: [
content: `Departure airport: ${shoppingData.getDepartureAirportIata()} \n Departure date: ${shoppingData.getDepartureDate()}`
footer: 'Departure Airport: ' + shoppingData.getDepartureAirportIata()
The contentTitle
and footer` fields are shown by default:
The contents
is shown when the bar is extended:
field is not used in the decision bar context.
Tiles can be added to decision support bar using DrawerService
method with shopping-response
as a key and Tile
as a param:
private registerDecisionSupportTile(): void {
const supportBarTile = new TileWidgetDrawerConfig(DecisionSupportTile);
getService(DrawerService).addConfig(['shopping-response'], supportBarTile);
The ShoppingData
model (from sabre-ngv-app/app/responses/shopping/models
module) is send to selfDrawerContextModelPropagated
with data that can be used to create proper view.
Detailed APIs of configs and data models used to configure and work with tile widgets can be found in TypeScript API Documentation.
You can see examples of tile widgets contributions in com.sabre.redapp.example3.web.tilewidgets sample.