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Hotel Tile Widgets

The business purpose of Hotels Tile Widgets is to allow Red Apps to add tiles into results of hotels search and hotel details.

tile widget hotel

Hotel Details, after expanding search result:

tile widget hotel search


Red Apps can contribute to Hotel Widgets using createCslHotelSearchTile and createCslHotelDetailsTile methods of PublicCslService.

getService(PublicCslService).createCslHotelSearchTile(testTileComponent, action , "Hotel Search Tile Added By SDK");
getService(PublicCslService).createCslHotelDetailsTile(testTileComponent, action, "Hotel Details Tile Added by SDK");


PublicCslData is used as a model in both cases, from sabre-ngv-csl/response/interfaces/PublicCslData package.

Detailed APIs of configs and data models used to configure and work with tile widgets can be found in TypeScript API Documentation.