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Creating Projects with Red App Wizards

This procedure shows the basic process for running a Red App wizard to create a plug-in project.

The Red App development tools include Red App wizards that are a quick way to create plug-in projects with minimal functionality. Some wizards create a new plug-in project, other wizards add functionality to an existing plug-in, and an export wizard creates a Red App bundle.

To run the Red App wizards, install or upgrade the Red App development tools software in Eclipse IDE. For the procedure, see How Do I Start?.


Using a Red App Wizard to Create a Plug-in Project

On the File menu in Eclipse, choose New > Other. On the Select a Wizard screen, expand Red App Development.

sdk selectwizard webapp
  1. Under Red App Development, select the wizard for the type of plug-in that you want to create. Click Next.

sdk webappwiz2
  1. In Project name, type the name of your project. This field may also appear as or be referred to as the Plug-in ID. This project name is displayed to end-users.

        The wizard populates other fields with default values. Do not change these values.

  1. Click Next.

sdk webappwiz3

        The ID field displays the project name that you typed on the previous window. The Project ID is a unique identifier within Sabre Red 360 and within Eclipse.

        The Content screen requests plug-in project properties. Sabre has specific requirements for these fields.

        The wizard populates other fields with default values, such as execution environment, Activator class, and UI contributions. Do not change these values.

  1. Click Next.

        The next screen that you see depends upon the wizard that you are using. All wizards display a Configure Project or Content dialog. The following example shows project configuration information for a sample web project.

sdk webappwiz4

        All Red App wizards have a field with a label that is similar to Name. The value in this field is displayed both on the application launcher bar menu that you choose and on the editor tab in Sabre Red 360.

  1. Add the configuration information for your plug-in. When you are done, click Next.

        Most of the Red App wizards display the Contact Details dialog.

sdk webappwiz5
  1. Type your support contact information for end-users of your plug-in, and then click Next. Most wizards require you to add your Red App ID. This creates a shell of a redapp.xml file for your Red App.

sdk webappwiz6
  1. Type your Red App ID, and click Finish.

Next, run your project in Sabre Red 360 and verify your contact details.

Regardless of how you create a plug-in project, your projects must comply with all Red App requirements and standards.