Creating Empty Plug-in Projects with an Eclipse Wizard
This topic shows the basic steps for creating a new empty plug-in project with the Eclipse New Plug-in Project wizard. After you run this wizard, you have a project with the basic project properties. You must add all functionality yourself, or you must use a Red App wizard that adds functionality to an existing plug-in, such as the editor, view, or a web wizard.
On the Workbench menu bar, choose File > New > Other.
The Select a Wizard screen is opened on the New Project dialog.
On the Wizards list, expand Plug-in Development.
Select Plug-in Project.
Click Next. The New Plug-in Project wizard is opened.
In Project Name, type a name for your project. This field may also appear as or be referred to as the Plug-in ID. This project name is displayed to end-users.
In the Target Platform group, select Eclipse.
Confirm that the remaining entries and selections on your screen match the entries and selections in the preceding figure. Click Next. Eclipse opens the Content screen for the project.
The Content screen requests information about the project. Eclipse populates the following fields on the Content screen with default data.
Sabre expects certain values in the following fields. Consult Plug-in Project Properties. You can always change the appropriate settings later, as you develop your project.
Remove the selection from Generate an Activator, a Java Class that Controls the Plug-in’s Life Cycle.
Select This Plug-in Will Make Contributions to the UI.
For Execution Environment, Java 1.8 is required. Click Next. The Templates screen is displayed.
Remove the selection from Create a Plug-in Using One of the Templates.
Click Finish.
If Eclipse displays the Open Associated Perspective dialog, click Yes.
Next, run your project in Sabre Red 360 and verify your contact details.
Regardless of how you create a plug-in project, your projects must comply with all Red App requirements and standards.