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CreateReservationRQ Request Structure


The Create Itinerary (CreateReservationRQ) API is used to create a Passenger Name Record (PNR).

Processing Information

The PNR will be created using one of the available request types: Stateless and Stateful; and by one of the two following processes.

There are two types of requests available:

  • Stateless: Full data is provided at creation; ET at end with Locator:
    • All necessary data is provided in the request (RQ)
    • After being created the PNR will be committed
    • It is required to provide the ReceivedFrom element
    • The Locator element will be returned in the response (RS)
  • Stateful: Data is provided at creation; no ET at end, no Locator:
    • All necessary data is not provided in the RQ
    • After being created, the PNR will not be committed
    • It is required to provide the ReceivedFrom element in the RQ
    • The remaining details for completing the PNR are entered via Host Sabre commands or by using the UpdateReservationRQ API
    • The PNR is committed after being updated

Additional things to consider when making a request:

  • The ReturnOptions element is used to specify the data elements present in the response payload:
    • IncludeUpdateDetails="true"
    • RetrievePNR="true"
  • The ReturnOptions element is used to specify the data elements to display in the response payload, as well as how they will be formatted:
    • XML ResponseFormat - STL
    • SubjectAreas
    • ViewName
  • When using pnrbuilder files on versions higher than v1.7.8, you will need to specify the version number in the namespace: <CreateReservationRQ Version="1.19.0" xmlns=";>

Request Structure

The PNR data present in the response payload depends on the parameters used in the request. The parameters can be used to reduce the number of elements returned.

There are certain request parameters (RQ) that can be combined to create a request message. All mandatory elements are marked in bold.

View Names and Subject Areas

The PNR data present in the response payload depends on the View Name used in the request. The number of data elements returned in each View can be further narrowed by Subject Areas. If data elements corresponding to a specified Subject Area are not present in the PNR, then those will not be returned in the response payload. The most common View Names and Subject Areas are listed below. Custom made Views and Subject Areas may be developed if required.

Primary Subject Areas

Subject Areas Description
ACCOUNTING_LINE Agency accounting lines stored in the PNR.
ADDRESS Agency address data stored in the PNR.
AFAX All facts stored in PNR.
ANCILLARY Ancillary Items (Air Extra) stored in the PNR.
BSGPROCESSING Block Space Group data stored in the PNR.
CORPORATE_ID Agency ID for Corporate Client stored in the PNR.
CUST_INSIGHT_PROFILE Customer Profile data stored in the PNR.
DK_NUMBER Customer number stored in the PNR. Agencies primarily use the DK number as an account reference identifier for billing purposes.
FARETYPE Fare data stored in the PNR.
FQTV Frequent Flyer details stored in the PNR.
GFAX General facts stored in the PNR.
HEADER PNR header data.
ITINERARY Full itinerary data stored in the PNR including Air, Rail, Car, Hotel, etc.
NAME Passenger Name stored in the PNR.
PASSENGERDETAILS Profile data, passenger type, email address, and other details stored in the PNR.
PHONE Phone data stored in the PNR.
PRERESERVEDSEAT Pre-reserved seat data stored in the PNR.
RECEIVED Received From Field stored in the PNR.
REMARKS All Remark Fields stored in the PNR.
TICKETING Ticketing information stored in the PNR.

View Names

Subject Areas Description
SIMPLE Always used, regardless of whether it is provided in the request. Includes: HEADER (Booking and Point of Sale details).
DEFAULT Contains PNR data specified by all ACTIVE SUBJECT AREAS. Multiple Subject Areas may be specified in the request payload. Includes: SIMPLE; all PRIMARY SUBJECT AREAS.
FULL Contains PNR data specified by all ACTIVE and HISTORY SUBJECT AREAS, and multiple Subject Areas may be specified in the request payload. Includes: SIMPLE; all PRIMARY SUBJECT AREAS.

Parameters for GetReservationRQ

The following descriptions contain basic information about the particular elements within the GetReservationRQ request structure:


Locator is used to identify a particular PNR.

Locator is optional only if RequestType is set to Stateful. In this case, the information is taken from the current user session (AAA).

This API's design only allows one Locator to be processed per request. A request containing multiple locators will not be processed correctly.


RequestType is used to define how PNR data will be retrieved. It can be set to: Stateless, Trip, or Stateful.

Stateful requests are for PNRs that have not been committed; therefore, Locator cannot be mandatory.

Stateless/Trip requests are for PNRs that have been committed and stored in the database. This request type requires the PNR's Locator.


Defines the format and data range of the response payload.

Element Attribute Description
UnmaskCreditCard ReturnOptions contains the attribute UnmaskCreditCard with a default value of false. If true, you must provide the EPR keyword CCVIEW; in the response, credit card information will be present in an unmasked format. If false, credit card information will always be in masked format.
SubjectAreas Specifies particular information to be included in theresponse message (if stored in the PNR).
ViewName The PNR data present in the response payload depends on the specified ViewName used in the request. The number of data elements returned in each View can be further narrowed using the optional values of RetrievePNR="true/false" or IncludeUpdateDetails="true/false".
ResponseFormat Defines how response payload will be formatted. This value should be STL.


This attribute is required.

Specifies particular information to be included in the response message (if stored in the PNR).


Contains details regarding the requestor. It may be repeated to accommodate the delivery system.

Attribute Element Description
BookingSource Identifies the booking source within the requesting entity.
AgentSine Identifies the party within the requesting entity.
PseudoCityCode The identification code assigned to an office agency by a reservation system.
ISOCountry The country code of the requesting party.
ISOCurrency The currency of the country of the requesting party.
AgentDutyCode An authority code assigned to a requestor.
AirlineVendorID The IATA-assigned airline code.
AirportCode The IATA-assigned airport code.
FirstDepartPoint The point of first departure in a trip.
SourceSystem CSS or CSI
TerminalID The electronic address of the device from which information is entered.
HomePseudoCityCode An identification code assigned to the office/agency home city by a reservation system.
RequestorID An identifier of the entity making the request e.g., ATA/IATA/ID number, Electronic Reservation Service Provider (ERSP), Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA).
BookingChannel Specifies the booking channel type and whether it is the primary means of connectivity of the source.
TTYRecordLocator Received via TeleType, the Locator is used to identify a particular PNR.
OAC The Office Account Code defines the agency PCC extension.


Identifies the entity making the request (e.g. ATA/IATA/ID number, Electronic Reservation Service Provider (ERSP), Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA)).

Attribute Element Description
URL URL that identifies the location associated with the record identified by the UniqueID.
Type A reference to the type of object defined by the UniqueID element. Refer to OTA Code List Unique ID Type (UIT).
Instance The identification of a record as it exists at a point in time. An instance is used in update messages where the sender must assure the server that the update sent refers to the most recent modification level of the object being updated.
ID A unique identifier assigned by the creating system. The ID attribute may be used to reference a primary-key value within a database or in a particular implementation.
ID_Context Used to identify the source of the identifier (e.g.,
MessagePassword This password provides an additional level of security that the recipient can use to validate the sending party's authority to use the message.
CompanyName Identifies the company that is associated with the UniqueID.
ArrangerDetails Contact information for the person that makes the arrangements of the PNR.


Identifies the company that is associated with the UniqueID.

Attribute Description
CompanyShortName Used to provide the company common name.
TravelSector Refers to OTA Code List Travel Sector (TVS).
Code Identifies the company by the company code.
CodeContext Identifies the context of the identifying code, such as DUNS, IATA, or internal code.
Division The division name or ID with which the contact is associated.
Department The department name or ID with which the contact is associated.


Used to identify the details of the requestor.

Element Description
PersonName Used to identify the contact name details of the requestor.
Telephone Used to identify the telephone number details of the requestor.
Email Used to identify the email address details of the requestor.


Used to identify the contact name details of the requestor.

Element Description
Prefix The honorific of the traveler, e.g., Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss., Dr.
Given The traveler's first name.
Middle The traveler's middle name.
Surname The traveler's last name.
Suffix Holds various name suffixes and letters e.g., Jr., Sr., III., Ret., Esq.
Type Values include ADT or INF.
PreferredFirstName The traveler's preferred first name to be used instead of the Given name.
PreferredSurname The traveler's preffered last name to be used instead of Surname.


Used to identify the telephone details of the requestor.

Element Description
PhoneUseType Describes the type of telephone number in the context of its general use (e.g. Home, Business, Emergency Contact, Travel Arranger, Day, Evening). Refer to Open Travel Code List Phone Use Type (PUT).
PhoneCountryCode Describes the Country Code for the telephone number of the requestor.
PhoneCountryName Describes the Country Name for the telephone number of the requestor.
PhoneNumber Telephone number assigned to a single location.


Email address of the arranger, e.g.


Specifies the booking channel type and whether it is the primary means of connectivity of the source.

Attribute Element Description
Type The type of booking channel (e.g. Global Distribution System (GDS), Alternative Distribution System (ADS), Sales and Catering System (SCS), Property Management System (PMS), Central Reservation System (CRS), Tour Operator System (TOS), Internet, and ALL). Refer to OTA Code List Booking Channel Type (BCT).
Primary Indicates whether the enumerated booking channel is the primary means of connectivity used by the source.
CompanyName Identifies the company that is associated with the booking channel.


Received via TeleType, the Locator is used to identify a particular PNR.

Element Description
CRSLocator If the PNR was received from OAL (from CRS or OAL), this value is the Record Locator of the PNR in the creating system. Occurs only for TTY created PNRs. The value for this optional field can be populated if available. This optional field is used for information and display purposes only.
CRSCode Airline Code of the RES System or CRS system that created this PNR. This optional field is not used in any processing. This optional field is used for information and display purposes only.
RecordLocator Used to identify a particular PNR.
AgencyId The booking source arranger.
IataNumber The booking source location IATA number.
AgencyLocation The booking source agent location.
UserType Includes the values of A-Airline, E-ERSP, N-no user ID assigned by IATA, T-user ID assigned by IATYA other than ERSP.
CountryCode Describes the Country Code for the telephone number of the requestor.
Currency The currency of the country of the requesting party.
DutyCode Duty code of the agent that issued a ticket/refund/exchange/void.
ERSPUserId The Electronic Reservation Service Provider number.
FirstPointOfDeparture The first point of departure for the booking.


The Office Account Code. Defines the agency's PCC extension.

Element Description
PartitionId Default partition code from the OAC data.
AccountingCityCode The personal account city code associated with the user's AAA city during the original PNR create session.
AccountingCode The personal account code associated with the user's AAA city during the original PNR create session.
AccountingOfficeStationCode The station code from the OAC line used in this PNR Create Session.


Point of Commencement is the first point of departure amongst all of the segments present in the PNR.

  • Poc can be used to explicitly specify the journey's Point of Commencement if the itinerary contains other segments than air.
  • Provided values will be present in the RS payload if the values are earlier than those defined by the first air segment.
Element Description
Airport Airport name.
Departure Date and Time of departure.


You will need to provide ClientContext when calling downline services such as: Web Check In; Web RES; Interact Check In; Interact RES; Kiosk Check In; TTY; PRS; GSM; SSCI.

If the context is set in your Get Reservation request, the master PNR is retrieved.

Element Description
Name Allows users to provide information about the caller to the service. This parameter is currently only available with customization.