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Contact Details Extension Point Properties Table


Type the name of your company. The company must match the name of the company on the application that you submitted to Sabre to become a Red App developer. The company must also match the value in the Provider field in the manifest editor.


Either type a name of a person or type a name that identifies the group or department that handles customer support for this Red App.


This is a free text field. Type a telephone number that end-users can call. If you have different phone numbers for multiple regions, some examples of what you can do are provided below.
You have about 500 characters. You are advised to test how these fields appear in Sabre Red 360.
Phone Number Field Example 1:
FR 1234567890      GER 0987654321      USA 3456789012
Phone Number Field Example 2:
See the website below for global support contact information.
In the website field, you will type the URL of your website that has support contact information.


Type the e-mail address that you want to use for customer support for this plug-in.


(Optional) Type the URL of the website to display to end-users. When end-users click the URL, this website is opened in a new tab in Sabre Red 360.