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Connection to ActiveMQ broker

IExternalCommunicationService allows Web Red Apps to open a connection to ActiveMQ broker. It uses the STOMP protocol over websockets.

Red App

From within Web Red App we use IExternalCommunicationService.openJMSConnection(config) to open a connection and acquire client object. When connection opens we can send messages to queue (sendMessageToQueue method) or consume messages from queue (listenToQueue method).

Check IExternalCommunicationService chapter for details about the API.

const config: JMSClientConfig = {
    beforeConnect: () => {
        console.log('[JMS SAMPLE] About to open connection to ActiveMQ Broker');
    brokerURL: 'ws://',
    onStompError: (frame) => {
        console.log('[JMS SAMPLE] STOMP/WS error', frame);
    onConnect: (frame) => {
        console.log('[JMS SAMPLE] Connected!', frame);
    connectHeaders: {
        login: '',
        password: ''
    debug: (message) => { console.log('[ACTIVEMQ SAMPLE] Debug  message: ', message); }

this.client = getService(IExternalCommunicationService).openJMSConnection(config);
const handleMessage = (message: IMessage) => {
    console.log('Consumed message from JSM', message.body)

getService(IExternalCommunicationService).listenToQueue('testQueue', handleMessage, this.client);
getService(IExternalCommunicationService).sendMessageToQueue('Hello ActiveMQ', 'testQueue', this.client)


You can see com.sabre.redapp.example3.web.jms sample for a showcase of communication between Red App and ActiveMQ broker.