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Check Flight Tickets – Examples

Below are some common use cases on how to check flight tickets:

Check a single document

To ensure a successful check of the requested document, add the following parameters to your request:

  • tickets:
    • number (a 13-digit electronic document number)
    "tickets": [
            "number": "1607531707951"

Check a conjunctive document

To ensure a successful check of the requested document, add the following parameters to your request:

  • tickets:
    • number (a full conjunctive document number or a 13-digit electronic number of the main document)
    "tickets": [
            "number": "1606802005010/11"


    "tickets": [
            "number": "1606802005010"

Check all documents of a booking

To ensure a successful check of the requested document, add the following parameter to your request:

  • confirmationId (PNR Locator or Sabre Order ID)
    "confirmationId": "ABCDEF"

Check two documents and change context

To ensure a successful check of the requested documents and to switch from the current Pseudo City Code (PCC) to the target PCC where the transaction should be executed, your request should contain:

  • tickets
    • number (a 13-digit electronic document number)
  • targetPcc (the PCC where the void transaction of the ticket should be executed)
    "targetPcc": "7KFA",
    "tickets": [
            "number": "0143357868284"
            "number": "0143357868285"

Check multiple documents and define refund qualifiers

To ensure a successful check of multiple documents, including refund qualifiers, add the following parameters to your request:

  • tickets
    • number (a 13-digit electronic document number)
  • refundQualifiers, for example:
    • waiverCode
    • overrideCancelFee
    • commissionAmount
    "tickets": [
            "number": "6077531707952",
            "refundQualifiers": {
                "waiverCode": "ABCD1234",
                "commissionAmount": "25.00"
            "number": "6077531707953",
            "refundQualifiers": {
                "overrideCancelFee": "0.00",
                "commissionAmount": "15.00"

Caution! By defining refund qualifiers, you will override Sabre system pricing. Use at your own risk.

Use cases

The use cases below have been compiled to better illustrate the logical flow of Check Flight Tickets.

Use case 1 – Check a single flight ticket

This use case is based on a reservation (PNR RECLOC: RASZFY) for one traveler. The segment was booked as traditional Sabre air content:

 1 CX 690Y 10SEP S SINHKG HK1  1255P  515P /DCCX*2EB8SA /E      
 2 CX 711Y 15SEP F HKGSIN HK1   440P  835P /DCCX*2EB8SA /E 

The ticket was issued without any additional documents:

TKT/TIME LIMIT                                                  
  2.TE 1607958830515-AT MILLE/M G7RE*HMT 0856/05JUL*

The current ticket image indicates:

ELECTRONIC TICKET RECORD                          CRS CODE:1536 
INV:                  CUST:123124                    PNR:RASZFY 
TKT:1607958830515     ISSUED:05JUL23   PCC:G7RE   IATA:96188116 
FORM OF PAYMENT                        FCI: 0                   
1    CASH                                                       
1    CX   690   Y  10SEP  SINHKG 1255P  OK YR21SGAR        OPEN 
                                NVB:10SEP   NVA:10SEP   BAG:1PC 
2    CX   711   Y  15SEP  HKGSIN  440P  OK YR21SGAR        OPEN 
                                NVB:15SEP   NVA:15SEP   BAG:1PC 

FARE     SGD1220.00                                             
TOTAL     USD1024.00     EQUIVALENT FARE PAID         USD903.00

In order to execute check flight ticket operation, determine the desired document number.

For example, the request to check the document could be:

    "tickets": [
            "number": "1607958830515"

The response does not contain errors:

    "timestamp": "2023-07-05T13:57:53",
    "request": {
        "tickets": [
                "number": "1607958830515"
    "tickets": [
            "number": "1607958830515",
            "isVoidable": true,
            "isRefundable": true,
            "isAutomatedRefundsEligible": true,
            "refundPenalties": [
                    "applicability": "BEFORE_DEPARTURE",
                    "conditionsApply": false,
                    "penalty": {
                        "amount": "222.0",
                        "currencyCode": "USD"
                    "hasNoShowCost": true,
                    "noShowPenalty": {
                        "penalty": {
                            "amount": "518.0",
                            "currencyCode": "USD"
                        "source": "Category 33"
                    "source": "Category 33"
                    "applicability": "AFTER_DEPARTURE",
                    "conditionsApply": false,
                    "penalty": {
                        "amount": "222.0",
                        "currencyCode": "USD"
                    "hasNoShowCost": true,
                    "noShowPenalty": {
                        "penalty": {
                            "amount": "518.0",
                            "currencyCode": "USD"
                        "source": "Category 33"
                    "source": "Category 33"
            "refundTaxes": [
                    "taxCode": "YR",
                    "amount": "41.20"
                    "taxCode": "SG",
                    "amount": "32.10"
                    "taxCode": "L7",
                    "amount": "8.00"
                    "taxCode": "OP",
                    "amount": "5.90"
                    "taxCode": "HK",
                    "amount": "15.30"
                    "taxCode": "G3",
                    "amount": "11.50"
                    "taxCode": "I5",
                    "amount": "7.00"
            "refundTotals": {
                "subtotal": "681.00",
                "taxes": "121.00",
                "total": "802.00",
                "currencyCode": "USD"
            "isChangeable": true,
            "exchangePenalties": [
                    "applicability": "BEFORE_DEPARTURE",
                    "conditionsApply": false,
                    "penalty": {
                        "amount": "74.0",
                        "currencyCode": "USD"
                    "hasNoShowCost": true,
                    "noShowPenalty": {
                        "penalty": {
                            "amount": "370.0",
                            "currencyCode": "USD"
                        "source": "Category 31"
                    "source": "Category 31"
                    "applicability": "AFTER_DEPARTURE",
                    "conditionsApply": false,
                    "penalty": {
                        "amount": "74.0",
                        "currencyCode": "USD"
                    "hasNoShowCost": true,
                    "noShowPenalty": {
                        "penalty": {
                            "amount": "370.0",
                            "currencyCode": "USD"
                        "source": "Category 31"
                    "source": "Category 31"

In this case, the ticket meets the requirements for the following operations:

  • Void: The ticket is within the void period, coupons are all open.
  • Refund: At least one coupon is open, carrier (CX – Cathay Pacific participates in Automated Refunds), the system was able to price a refund.
  • Exchange: Coupon status validation was successful, and the system was able to establish the price of the exchange.

The reservation was not updated, and the ticket remains untouched.

Use case 2 – Check multiple flight tickets and change context

This use case is based on a reservation (PNR RECLOC: KOEYRRRASFTO) for two travelers. The segments were booked as traditional Sabre air content:

 1 AC 216Y 10SEP S YVRYYC HK2   110P  336P /DCAC*2EDAG2 /E      
 2 AC 213Y 15SEP F YYCYVR HK2  1220P 1252P /DCAC*2EDAG2 /E      
TKT/TIME LIMIT                                                  
  2.TE 0149786953843-AT MAYER/C U9PK*HMT 1606/05JUL*I           
  3.TE 0149786953844-AT MAYER/J U9PK*HMT 1606/05JUL*I         

The ticket image of 0149786953843 indicates:

ELECTRONIC TICKET RECORD                          CRS CODE:1536 
INV:                  CUST:123435                    PNR:RASFTO 
TKT:0149786953843     ISSUED:05JUL23   PCC:U9PK   IATA:63211116 
FORM OF PAYMENT                        FCI: 0                   
1    CASH                                                       
1    AC   216   Y  10SEP  YVRYYC  110P  OK YZ0NZALT        OPEN 
                                NVB:        NVA:10SEP   BAG:2PC 
2    AC   213   Y  15SEP  YYCYVR 1220P  OK YZ0NZALT        OPEN 
                                NVB:        NVA:10SEP   BAG:2PC 

FARE     CAD1582.00                                             
TOTAL     PLN5397.97     EQUIVALENT FARE PAID        PLN4859.00  

To check both documents and change the context to the Pseudo City where they were issued, the request to Check Flight Ticket should be:

    "targetPcc": "U9PK",
    "tickets": [
            "number": "0149786953843"
            "number": "0149786953844"

No errors are returned in the response:

    "timestamp": "2023-07-05T14:23:26",
    "request": {
        "targetPcc": "U9PK",
        "tickets": [
                "number": "0149786953843"
                "number": "0149786953844"
    "tickets": [
            "number": "0149786953843",
            "isVoidable": true,
            "isRefundable": true,
            "isAutomatedRefundsEligible": true,
            "refundPenalties": [
                    "applicability": "BEFORE_DEPARTURE",
                    "conditionsApply": false,
                    "penalty": {
                        "amount": "0.0",
                        "currencyCode": "PLN"
                    "hasNoShowCost": false,
                    "noShowPenalty": {
                        "source": "Category 33"
                    "source": "Category 33"
                    "applicability": "AFTER_DEPARTURE",
                    "conditionsApply": false,
                    "penalty": {
                        "amount": "0.0",
                        "currencyCode": "PLN"
                    "hasNoShowCost": false,
                    "noShowPenalty": {
                        "source": "Category 33"
                    "source": "Category 33"
            "refundTaxes": [
                    "taxCode": "YR",
                    "amount": "97.64"
                    "taxCode": "SQ",
                    "amount": "184.27"
                    "taxCode": "XG",
                    "amount": "257.06"
            "refundTotals": {
                "subtotal": "4859.00",
                "taxes": "538.97",
                "total": "5397.97",
                "currencyCode": "PLN"
            "isChangeable": true,
            "exchangePenalties": [
                    "applicability": "BEFORE_DEPARTURE",
                    "conditionsApply": false,
                    "penalty": {
                        "amount": "0.0",
                        "currencyCode": "PLN"
                    "hasNoShowCost": false,
                    "noShowPenalty": {
                        "source": "Category 31"
                    "source": "Category 31"
                    "applicability": "AFTER_DEPARTURE",
                    "conditionsApply": false,
                    "penalty": {
                        "amount": "0.0",
                        "currencyCode": "PLN"
                    "hasNoShowCost": false,
                    "noShowPenalty": {
                        "source": "Category 31"
                    "source": "Category 31"
            "number": "0149786953844",
            "isVoidable": true,
            "isRefundable": true,
            "isAutomatedRefundsEligible": true,
            "refundPenalties": [
                    "applicability": "BEFORE_DEPARTURE",
                    "conditionsApply": false,
                    "penalty": {
                        "amount": "0.0",
                        "currencyCode": "PLN"
                    "hasNoShowCost": false,
                    "noShowPenalty": {
                        "source": "Category 33"
                    "source": "Category 33"
                    "applicability": "AFTER_DEPARTURE",
                    "conditionsApply": false,
                    "penalty": {
                        "amount": "0.0",
                        "currencyCode": "PLN"
                    "hasNoShowCost": false,
                    "noShowPenalty": {
                        "source": "Category 33"
                    "source": "Category 33"
            "refundTaxes": [
                    "taxCode": "YR",
                    "amount": "97.64"
                    "taxCode": "SQ",
                    "amount": "184.27"
                    "taxCode": "XG",
                    "amount": "257.06"
            "refundTotals": {
                "subtotal": "4859.00",
                "taxes": "538.97",
                "total": "5397.97",
                "currencyCode": "PLN"
            "isChangeable": true,
            "exchangePenalties": [
                    "applicability": "BEFORE_DEPARTURE",
                    "conditionsApply": false,
                    "penalty": {
                        "amount": "0.0",
                        "currencyCode": "PLN"
                    "hasNoShowCost": false,
                    "noShowPenalty": {
                        "source": "Category 31"
                    "source": "Category 31"
                    "applicability": "AFTER_DEPARTURE",
                    "conditionsApply": false,
                    "penalty": {
                        "amount": "0.0",
                        "currencyCode": "PLN"
                    "hasNoShowCost": false,
                    "noShowPenalty": {
                        "source": "Category 31"
                    "source": "Category 31"

The reservation was not updated. Both tickets return options for void, refund, and exchange.

Use case 3 – Check multiple documents and define refund qualifiers

Below is an example of a simple round-trip air itinerary (PNR RECLOC: QOLZEF). These segments are booked as traditional Sabre air content:

 1 AA6938I 27SEP W LGWJFK HK2   300P  600P /DCAA*OOZDXY /E      
 2 AA4659D 30SEP J JFKBOS*HK2  1010P 1127P /DCAA*OOZDXY /E      
 3 AA6981D 01OCT S BOSLHR*HK2   725A  655P /DCAA*OOZDXY /E      
TKT/TIME LIMIT                                                  
  2.TE 0019786953845-AT KOWAL/J U9PK*AWV 1257/06JUL*I           
  3.TE 0019786953846-AT KOWAL/J U9PK*AWV 1257/06JUL*I       

Tickets were issued for both travelers:

ELECTRONIC TICKET RECORD                          CRS CODE:0011 
INV:                  CUST:1234567                   PNR:QOLZEF 
TKT:0019786953845     ISSUED:06JUL23   PCC:U9PK   IATA:63211116 
FORM OF PAYMENT                        FCI: 0                   
1    CASH                                                       
1    AA   6938  I  27SEP  LGWJFK  300P  OK INX5C1S4        OPEN 
                                NVB:27SEP   NVA:27SEP   BAG:2PC 
2    AA   4659  D  30SEP  JFKBOS 1010P  OK DNW5E1S2        OPEN 
                                NVB:30SEP   NVA:30SEP   BAG:2PC 
3    AA   6981  D  01OCT  BOSLHR  725A  OK DNW5E1S2        OPEN 
                                NVB:01OCT   NVA:01OCT   BAG:2PC 

FARE     GBP3114.00                                             
TOTAL    PLN22113.93     EQUIVALENT FARE PAID       PLN16095.00 
ELECTRONIC TICKET RECORD                          CRS CODE:0011 
INV:                  CUST:1234567                   PNR:QOLZEF 
TKT:0019786953846     ISSUED:06JUL23   PCC:U9PK   IATA:63211116 
FORM OF PAYMENT                        FCI: 0                   
1    CASH                                                       
1    AA   6938  I  27SEP  LGWJFK  300P  OK INX5C1S4        OPEN 
                                NVB:27SEP   NVA:27SEP   BAG:2PC 
2    AA   4659  D  30SEP  JFKBOS 1010P  OK DNW5E1S2        OPEN 
                                NVB:30SEP   NVA:30SEP   BAG:2PC 
3    AA   6981  D  01OCT  BOSLHR  725A  OK DNW5E1S2        OPEN 
                                NVB:01OCT   NVA:01OCT   BAG:2PC 

FARE     GBP3114.00                                             
TOTAL    PLN22113.93     EQUIVALENT FARE PAID       PLN16095.00

To execute the check flight ticket operation, determine the desired document numbers and applicable refund qualifiers.

For example, the request to check all documents could be:

    "tickets": [
            "number": "0019786953845",
            "refundQualifiers": {
                "waiverCode": "ABCD1234",
                "commissionAmount": "25.00"
            "number": "0019786953846",
            "refundQualifiers": {
                "overrideCancelFee": "0.00",
                "commissionAmount": "15.00",
                "overrideTaxes": [
                        "taxCode": "YC",
                        "taxAmount": "5.00"

In this example, we specified different qualifiers for each ticket:

  • 0019786953845
    • waiverCode to apply a waiver code as provisioned by the issuing carrier
    • commissionAmount to apply a commission you will receive for this refund
  • 0019786953846
    • overrideCancelFee to specify the cancel fee
    • commissionAmount to apply a commission you will receive for this refund
    • overrideTaxes to apply refundable amounts for specific taxes

Caution: By defining refund qualifiers, you will override Sabre system pricing. Use at your own risk.

There are no errors in the response:

    "timestamp": "2023-07-06T11:01:26",
    "request": {
        "tickets": [
                "number": "0019786953845",
                "refundQualifiers": {
                    "commissionAmount": "25.00",
                    "waiverCode": "ABCD1234"
                "number": "0019786953846",
                "refundQualifiers": {
                    "overrideCancelFee": "0.00",
                    "overrideTaxes": [
                            "taxCode": "YC",
                            "taxAmount": "5.00"
                    "commissionAmount": "15.00"
    "tickets": [
            "number": "0019786953845",
            "isVoidable": true,
            "isRefundable": true,
            "isAutomatedRefundsEligible": true,
            "refundTaxes": [
                    "taxCode": "YR",
                    "amount": "0.00"
                    "taxCode": "GB",
                    "amount": "987.15"
                    "taxCode": "UB",
                    "amount": "97.01"
                    "taxCode": "US",
                    "amount": "171.62"
                    "taxCode": "YC",
                    "amount": "26.52"
                    "taxCode": "XY",
                    "amount": "28.47"
                    "taxCode": "XA",
                    "amount": "15.58"
                    "taxCode": "AY",
                    "amount": "22.78"
                    "taxCode": "XF",
                    "amount": "18.30"
            "refundTotals": {
                "subtotal": "0.00",
                "taxes": "1367.43",
                "total": "1367.43",
                "currencyCode": "PLN"
            "isChangeable": true,
            "exchangePenalties": [
                    "applicability": "BEFORE_DEPARTURE",
                    "conditionsApply": false,
                    "penalty": {
                        "amount": "1551.0",
                        "currencyCode": "PLN"
                    "hasNoShowCost": false,
                    "noShowPenalty": {
                        "source": "Category 31"
                    "source": "Category 31"
                    "applicability": "AFTER_DEPARTURE",
                    "conditionsApply": false,
                    "penalty": {
                        "amount": "1551.0",
                        "currencyCode": "PLN"
                    "hasNoShowCost": false,
                    "noShowPenalty": {
                        "source": "Category 31"
                    "source": "Category 31"
            "number": "0019786953846",
            "isVoidable": true,
            "isRefundable": true,
            "isAutomatedRefundsEligible": true,
            "refundTaxes": [
                    "taxCode": "YR",
                    "amount": "0.00"
                    "taxCode": "GB",
                    "amount": "987.15"
                    "taxCode": "UB",
                    "amount": "97.01"
                    "taxCode": "US",
                    "amount": "171.62"
                    "taxCode": "YC",
                    "amount": "5.00"
                    "taxCode": "XY",
                    "amount": "28.47"
                    "taxCode": "XA",
                    "amount": "15.58"
                    "taxCode": "AY",
                    "amount": "22.78"
                    "taxCode": "XF",
                    "amount": "18.30"
            "refundTotals": {
                "subtotal": "0.00",
                "taxes": "1345.91",
                "total": "1345.91",
                "currencyCode": "PLN"
            "isChangeable": true,
            "exchangePenalties": [
                    "applicability": "BEFORE_DEPARTURE",
                    "conditionsApply": false,
                    "penalty": {
                        "amount": "1551.0",
                        "currencyCode": "PLN"
                    "hasNoShowCost": false,
                    "noShowPenalty": {
                        "source": "Category 31"
                    "source": "Category 31"
                    "applicability": "AFTER_DEPARTURE",
                    "conditionsApply": false,
                    "penalty": {
                        "amount": "1551.0",
                        "currencyCode": "PLN"
                    "hasNoShowCost": false,
                    "noShowPenalty": {
                        "source": "Category 31"
                    "source": "Category 31"

The reservation was not updated. The tickets remain with open coupons.

Use case 4 – Check NDC Order

Below is an example of a simple round-trip air itinerary (PNR RECLOC: IORVQO / Sabre Order ID: 1SXXXCITUW8P4). These segments are booked as NDC Sabre air content:

    "startDate": "2021-05-30",
    "endDate": "2021-06-05",
    "flights": [
            "itemId": "10",
            "confirmationId": "4T3XNE",
            "sourceType": "NDC",
            "flightNumber": 444,
            "airlineCode": "QF",
            "operatingFlightNumber": 444,
            "operatingAirlineCode": "QF",
            "fromAirportCode": "MEL",
            "toAirportCode": "SYD",
            "departureDate": "2021-05-30",
            "departureTime": "13:00:00",
            "departureTerminalName": "1",
            "arrivalDate": "2021-05-30",
            "arrivalTime": "14:25:00",
            "arrivalTerminalName": "3",
            "cabinTypeName": "ECONOMY",
            "cabinTypeCode": "Y",
            "aircraftTypeCode": "73H",
            "aircraftTypeName": "BOEING 737 800",
            "bookingClass": "O",
            "meals": [
                    "code": "H",
                    "description": "Hot meal"
            "flightStatusCode": "HK",
            "flightStatusName": "Confirmed",
            "durationInMinutes": 85,
            "distanceInMiles": 456
            "itemId": "11",
            "confirmationId": "4T3XNE",
            "sourceType": "NDC",
            "flightNumber": 437,
            "airlineCode": "QF",
            "operatingFlightNumber": 437,
            "operatingAirlineCode": "QF",
            "fromAirportCode": "SYD",
            "toAirportCode": "MEL",
            "departureDate": "2021-06-05",
            "departureTime": "11:00:00",
            "departureTerminalName": "3",
            "arrivalDate": "2021-06-05",
            "arrivalTime": "12:35:00",
            "arrivalTerminalName": "1",
            "cabinTypeName": "ECONOMY",
            "cabinTypeCode": "Y",
            "aircraftTypeCode": "73H",
            "aircraftTypeName": "BOEING 737 800",
            "bookingClass": "O",
            "meals": [
                    "code": "H",
                    "description": "Hot meal"
            "flightStatusCode": "HK",
            "flightStatusName": "Confirmed",
            "durationInMinutes": 95,
            "distanceInMiles": 456
    "flightTickets": [
            "number": "0815740238620",
            "date": "2021-03-22",
            "travelerIndex": 1,
            "flightCoupons": [
                    "itemId": "10",
                    "couponStatus": "Not Flown",
                    "couponStatusCode": "I"
                    "itemId": "11",
                    "couponStatus": "Not Flown",
                    "couponStatusCode": "I"
            "payment": {
                "subtotal": "153.00",
                "taxes": "57.20",
                "total": "210.20",
                "currencyCode": "USD"
            "ticketStatusName": "Issued",
            "ticketStatusCode": "TO"
    "request": {
        "confirmationId": "1SXXXCITUW8P4",
        "returnOnly": [

In this example, we will check void or refund options for the entire order using the Sabre Order ID:

    "confirmationId": "1SXXXCITUW8P4"

There are no errors in the response:

    "request": {
        "confirmationId": "1SXXXCITUW8P4"
    "cancelOffers": [
            "offerType": "VOID",
            "offerItemId": "cb7778589bcbb4hpnkmkhp4ya1",
            "offerExpirationDate": "2021-03-22",
            "offerExpirationTime": "11:53"

The reservation was not updated, and the order remains in its current state.

In this example we are still in the void period, and the only option to use is offerType: "VOID". To finally execute the void offer, apply "offerItemId": "cb7778589bcbb4hpnkmkhp4ya1" to your cancelBookingRequest.