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Cancel Booking – Hotel Examples

Cancel Booking provides a single, unified service to cancel the entire reservation or a part of the reservation irrespective of what it contains. It allows to cancel CSL/Legacy Hotels at the same time by providing either itemId or sequence number.

Cancel an entire reservation

To ensure the successful cancellation of an entire reservation, the request should contain:

  • Add confirmationId (PNR Locator or Order ID)
  • Set cancelAll to true
  "confirmationId": "XXXXXX",
  "cancelAll": true

Cancel specific hotels

To ensure the successful cancellation of specific hotels, the request should contain:

  • Add confirmationId (PNR Locator or Order ID)
  • Add list of hotels including the specific itemId of the product to be canceled. -The itemId can be retrieved from the response of the following APIs:
  • Get Booking – JSONPath: GetBookingResponse.(flights|cars|hotels).itemId
    • GetReservationRQ – XPath: GetReservationRS/Reservation/PassengerReservation/Segments/Segment/Product/@id
    • TravelItineraryReadRQ – XPath: TravelItineraryReadRS/TravelItinerary/ItineraryInfo/ReservationItems/Item/(FlightSegment|Vehicle|Hotel)/@Id
  "confirmationId": "XXXXXX",
  "hotels": [
      "itemId": "12"
      "itemId": "22"
      "itemId": "42"

Cancel specific segments by ID or sequence

To ensure the successful cancellation of specific hotels, the request should contain the below information:

  • Add confirmationId (PNR Locator or Order ID)

  • Add list of segments including the id or sequence to be used.

  • id can be retrieved from the response of the following APIs:

    • Get Booking – JSONPath: GetBookingResponse.(flights|cars|hotels).itemId
    • GetReservationRQ – XPath: GetReservationRS/Reservation/PassengerReservation/Segments/Segment/Product/@id
    • TravelItineraryReadRQ – XPath: TravelItineraryReadRS/TravelItinerary/ItineraryInfo/ReservationItems/Item/(FlightSegment|Vehicle|Hotel)/@Id
  • sequence can be retrieved from the response of the following APIs:

    • Get Booking – JSONPath: GetBookingResponse.allSegments[n]
    • GetReservationRQ – XPath: GetReservationRS/Reservation/PassengerReservation/Segments/Segment/Product/@sequence
    • TravelItineraryReadRQ – XPath: TravelItineraryReadRS/TravelItinerary/ItineraryInfo/ReservationItems/Item/(FlightSegment|Vehicle|Hotel)/@SegmentNumber

Important: Even though Cancel Booking supports cancelling products via a combination of segments and sequence values, as this API behaves in a stateless way, there is a risk that the desired product(s) to be cancelled may not be in the exact segment+sequence as seen in a previously executed PNR read API call. This option is not recommended and has been enabled primarily for familiarity, since cancelling a segment position is the traditional method for cancelling Sabre products.

The examples below contain possible configurations using segments combined with id and/or sequence:

  "confirmationId": "XXXXXX",
  "segments": [
      "id": "12"
      "id": "22"
      "id": "42"
  "confirmationId": "XXXXXX",
  "segments": [
      "sequence": 1
      "sequence": 2
      "sequence": 3

Use case – Cancel CSL

Below is an example of a hotel reservation (PNR RECLOC: VCWZEI).

This segment has been booked as a CSL segment:

 1  HHL HI HK1 MOB IN25DEC F-OUT26DEC   1NT   72378 HO    /DCHI 
CD-100860774/NM-TEST PERRY/C01D/SI-CF-42141434-   

In order to execute the cancel operation, determine the desired “key” to use; both sequence and id are returned in the GetReservationRQ response body.

In the snippet below, we can see that the segment is identified as a CSL segment (productCategory=AGTLCSSEGMENT) and contains:

  • sequence="1" & id="36"

GetReservationRQ response snippet:

<stl19:Product sequence="1" id="36">
    <or114:ProductDetails productCategory="AGTLCSSEGMENT" productType="HHL" vendorCode="HI" statusCode="HK" startPoint="MOB" startDateTime="2020-12-25T00:00:00" endPoint="MOB" endDateTime="2020-12-26T00:00:00">
        <or114:ProductName type="HHL">Lodging</or114:ProductName>

With this information, you can now define how to execute the cancel operation via Cancel Booking.

The below examples depict 3 possible options:

Cancel Booking – cancel all:

    "confirmationId": "VCWZEI",
    "cancelAll": true

Cancel Booking – cancel by segment ID:

    "confirmationId": "VCWZEI",
    "segments": [
            "id": "36"

Cancel Booking – cancel by hotel product ID:

    "confirmationId": "VCWZEI",
    "hotels": [
            "itemId": "36"