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Booking Management API User Guide


With the introduction of additional content types in Sabre systems (New Distribution Capability & Content Services for Lodging), you may be thinking, which Sabre API should I use for managing bookings?

We've got you covered.

Booking Management facilitates the booking process through Sabre by providing a normalized set of methods within a single API that covers common scenarios.

Note: Check out this blog article to learn about some of the capabilities possible with the Booking Management API!

Guiding Principles

APIs as a Product

This API serves a business purpose, and as a result, will have an evolving life cycle, with a heavy focus on you, the developer.

Developed following API-first design principles

  • The API serves as a user interface (UI) to the Sabre platform, and thus it defines and limits the kinds of interactions it supports.
  • Planning, design, and customer validation come first. Once these are all in order, development begins.
  • Adheres to "One Sabre" guidelines, with a consistent API interface across all domains and end-to-end workflows.


Designed to be consumable by API Developers of all skill levels and all levels of familiarity with the travel industry.


Focus on Developer Experience (DX) with plenty of supporting documentation (guides, Postman collections, etc.).

Simple Versioning

Simplified versioning (separate implementation from the contract).

The Booking Management API follows the Sabre RPC Protocol Specification.

Current Features

Method Description Endpoint Type
Get Booking Normalized view of a Sabre booking. /trip/orders/getBooking RPC/JSON
Create Booking Unified API to create an air booking for different content sources (NDC, ATPCO, LCC).
Evolved version of the Create Passenger Name Record API.
/trip/orders/createBooking RPC/JSON
Cancel Booking Normalized cancel of Sabre products within a booking.
Supports voiding/refunding NDC Tickets.
/trip/orders/cancelBooking RPC/JSON
Modify Booking Unified API to modify an existing booking. It allows for modification of CSL hotels, group bookings, and traditional ATPCO and NDC content (limited functionality). /trip/orders/modifyBooking RPC/JSON
Fulfill Flight Tickets Unified API to issue tickets and electronic miscellaneous documents (EMD). Different types of content are supported: ATPCO ticket and EMD issuance, and NDC order fulfillment (limited functionality). /trip/orders/fulfillFlightTickets RPC/JSON
Check Flight Tickets Unified API to verify voidability, refundability, and exchangeability for a list of electronic documents (ATPCO) or a Sabre Order (NDC). Refund checks are currently to limited electronic tickets. /trip/orders/checkFlightTickets RPC/JSON
Void Flight Tickets Unified API to void a list of electronic documents (ATPCO). This includes electronic tickets as well as electronic miscellaneous documents (EMDs). /trip/orders/voidFlightTickets RPC/JSON
Refund Flight Tickets Unified API to refund a list of electronic documents (ATPCO). It allows you to specify refund qualifiers, and is currently limited to electronic tickets. /trip/orders/refundFlightTickets RPC/JSON