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Backup Communication Mechanism

3.5.1 Type B Message

For GDS hotels, there is a back-up communication mechanism (Type-B) if selling or cancelling the lodging segment could not be confirmed using direct connect connectivity (Type-A). In instances where Type A transactions are unable to be passed or do not receive responses from the hoteliers, Type B messages are formulated and sent after ET. Type B messages are:

  • Formulated in teletype format and are delivered down a different path from Type A to a Teletype address or to their hotelier's internal Sabre Queue,


  • Resent using Type-A communication periodically over a 24-hour period

Type B messages are considered a guaranteed delivery method and is not available for aggregator hotels. A GDS hotel must respond to a Type B booking within 24 hours.

This communication type is used if:

  • The original initiate transaction is successful at Type A but the end transaction fails
  • The original initiate transaction failed at Type A. In this case, Sabre always sends a commit via Type B.

This communication method is triggered automatically after the ET response (no additional action is needed) when a standard communication method fails. Sample scenarios during ET when a reservation follows Type B path include:

  • Lodging segment status is SS without confirmation code
  • Lodging segment status is NN without confirmation code
  • Lodging segment status is HK with confirmation code (the ET response from the supplier contained an error or timed out)
  • Lodging segment after modify initiate is SS without confirmation code
  • Lodging segment after modify initiate is NN without confirmation code