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Timeout and Timeout Action

RedApp developer can define a timeout for web extension point in manifest.json file, in extensions section:

"dynamo.air.pricing:beforePricing": [
    "service": "com-sabre-redapp-example3-web-wf-extension-web-module-AirPriceBeforeDialogExtp",
    "timeout": 1, (1)
    "defaultTimeoutAction": "CONTINUE" (2)
  1. The timeout is defined in seconds and it can range from 1 to 1500. If you do not provide any valid value then the default 3 minutes will be used instead.

  2. You can specify the default action that will be taken should any service defined in this extension timeouts. If it is CONTINUE then the next service will be run as normal, and if it is ABORT then the execution of the entire extension point will be aborted. If you do not provide any valid value then the default CONTINUE will be used instead.

Different Configurations between Defined Services

For each defined extension instance timeout and defaultTimeoutAction must be set separately.

"dynamo.air.pricing:beforePricing": [
    "service": "com-sabre-redapp-example3-web-wf-extension-web-module-AirPriceBeforeDialogExtp",
    "timeout": 1,
    "defaultTimeoutAction": "CONTINUE"
  }, {
    "service": "com-sabre-redapp-example3-web-wf-extension-web-module-AirPriceBeforeDialogExtp2",
    "timeout": 100,
    "defaultTimeoutAction": "ABORT"

This way there will be two services run for dynamo.air.pricing:beforePricing extension point however, they will have different timeouts and actions.