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About Agent Profile Service

The Agent Profile Service retrieves information about an agent who is logged in to Sabre Red 360. The IAgentProfileService class has methods that retrieve the following data:

  • getAgentId() - EPR of the agent. The EPR is also called an Agent ID.

  • getPcc() - PCC, or Pseudo City Code, of the agent

  • getLanguage() - Language that the agent is using in Sabre Red 360

  • getCountry() - Country of the agency that is associated with the agent. If the API does not find this data, US is returned.

  • getRegion() - Region of the agency that is associated with the agent. If the API does not find this data, NA is returned.

  • getState() - State of the agency that is associated with the agent.

  • getCity() - City of the agency that is associated with the agent.

  • getArcIata() - ARC IATA of the agency that is associated with the agent.

  • getAgencyName() - Name of the agency. The agent completes a profile form during the first start of the application.

  • getAffiliation() - Affiliation of the agency that is associated with the agent.

  • getFirstName() - First name of the agent. The agent completes a profile form during the first start of the application.

  • getLastName() - Last name of the agent. The agent completes a profile form during the first start of the application.

  • getEmail() - E-mail address of the agent. The service retrieves the e-mail address from the local profile of the agent that is stored in Sabre Red 360. The agent completes a profile form during the first start of the application.

  • getPhoneNumber() - Full phone number of the agent including prefixes..

  • getUsername() - Username or login ID of the agent. If this data is not available, null is returned.

  • getProfilesVendor() - Customers' profiles management application - STARS or Sabre Profiles - configured for agent account.

This functionality takes into consideration only account the user used to sign into SR360. If he used different account to sign into Emulator, or executed AAA command, profiles vendor will still be returned for original account provided during SR360 start-up.
This method is marked as deprecated and will be removed.
  • isAgencyAdmin() - Information if the agent has Agency Admin rights. This information is cached on server side and changes might take up to 48 hours to propagate.

    • getParentPcc() - Code of parent PCC for agent’s agency. This information is cached on server side and changes might take up to 48 hours to propagate.

  • isCapabilityEnabled(capability) - Information whether the agent has specific capability enabled. This information is cached in-memory on client side for 24 hours. Valid capability name can consist of letters, numbers, underscore and minus sign. In case of problem with providing capabilities, checked CapabilityProviderException is thrown. This method is case insensitive.

  • isCapabilityEnabled(capability, pccBranch) - Information whether given PCC branch has specific capability enabled. This information is cached in-memory on client side for 24 hours. Valid capability name can consist of letters, numbers, underscore and minus sign. If agent’s PCC doesn’t have branch access to PCC given as a second argument, then method throws checked UnauthorizedCapabilityAccessException. In case of any other problem with providing capabilities, checked CapabilityProviderException is thrown. This method is case insensitive.

  • getPccBranches() - Returns a collection of PCC that user’s current PCC has branch access to. This information is cached in-memory on client side for 24 hours. In case of problem with providing PCC branches, checked PccBranchProviderException is thrown.

  • getCustomerBusinessUnit() - Returns java.util.Optional that may contain customer business unit if it is available for the agent and if New Sabre Red 360 is fully initialized. For more details about provisioning this value, please contact Sabre Security System.

  • getCustomerEmployeeId() - Returns java.util.Optional that may contain customer employee id if it is available for the agent and if New Sabre Red 360 is fully initialized. For more details about provisioning this value, please contact Sabre Security System.

To use this service, add it to an existing plug-in.

Dependencies and Classes

Both Eclipse and Sabre Red 360 have defined some dependencies and classes that are required to add agent profile services to a plug-in. These requirements follow.

Minimal Required Dependency


Required Classes

Public interface IAgentProfileService.


In the section Creating Access to Agent Profile Service you will find more details about using this service.