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Booking/Cancelling Air Extras (AEs)

Booking Ancillary

Booking AE from the list of the returned offers can be done by using the /dcci/ancillary/book service.

While different ancillaries might be offered to different Passengers with different prices, Digital Connect Check-In service needs the information about:

  • Passenger ID for which the ancillary is booked
  • Ancillary ID for item which is booked for the Passenger
  • Segment IDs for which an ancillary is requested.

    It is important for those ancillaries which are sold per segment not per travel portion.

  • Quantity as the optional information about the number of items which the Passenger would like to purchase

As a result of the /dcci/ancillary/book service involvement the appropriate AEs are created in the system, so the Passenger can pay for them or cancel them. Booked AE is a guarantee that from the inventory perspective the Passenger will receive the requested item.

Cancelling Ancillary

If a Passenger decides not to purchase booked ancillary, the AE can be canceled without any consequences if the ancillary is not fulfilled yet. Digital Connect Check-In does not support canceling already fulfilled AEs.

To cancel unfulfilled AE the DELETE /dcci/ancillary/cancel service is used:

  "returnSession": true, 
  "airExtraIds": [ 

The only information required by the service is ID of AE which should be removed from the system.