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Ancillary Payment

When the Passenger already booked Air Extra (AE), it must be paid. Most of the Airlines does not allow Passengers to check-in with unpaid AEs.

Digital Connect Check-In supports only one method of payment which is credit card. To pay for AE the POST /dcci/pay service is used as in the following example:

  "returnSession": false, 
  "airExtraIds": [ 
  "creditCard": { 
    "typeCode": "AX", 
    "number": "372055555555550", 
    "nameOnCard": "John Doe", 
    "expirationDetails": "10/21" 
  "authorizationDetails": { 
    "securityCode": "1234", 
    "address": { 
      "street1": "Sabre Drive 21", 
      "postalCode": "123456", 
      "country": "US", 
      "city": "Dallas", 
      "stateProvince": "Texas" 
    "email": "", 
    "phone": { 
      "number": "555987456" 
  "notificationRecipients": [ 
      "email": "", 
      "passengerId": "p01.01" 


Besides of the mandatory credit card and authorization data, Digital Connect Check-In service requires only the information about all AEs IDs which the Passenger would like to pay for. It is possible to pay for more than one AE at once.

Additional feature allows to send email notification about the payment.

Once the payment is done correctly, the service returns the information about Electronic Miscellaneous Document (EMD) issued for each AE.

External Authorization of Payment Details

Each payment transaction contains two operations:

  • Authorization of the payment method
  • Fulfilling the payment

Using the /dcci/pay service both operations are done by Sabre systems one after another. However, Digital Connect Check-In supports also the use case when authorization of the payment method is done outside of Sabre system and a consumer would like to only fulfill the preauthorized payment. For such purpose the /dcci/pay/authorized service should be used.

Support 3DS 2.0 in Payment Process

Digital Connect Check-In supports a new version (2.0) of 3DS standard implementation. 
3D Secure 2 (3DS2) is the new authentication protocol for online card payments; designed to improve the 3D Secure 1 (3DS1) by addressing the previous protocol's challenges along with a smoother and integrated user experience.
In contrast to the 3DS1process, it is not mandatory to register the card and the password, by the cardholder.
Digital Connect Check-In consumer can decide which version of the 3DS flow must be used in their payment process, by sending a version information in the request message.

Configuration Reference

The following key is introduced to support this feature:

  • se.adapter.s4ci.configuration.paymentConfiguration.pws3DS.enabled
  • s4ci.feature.browserHostName.enabled

For more details refer to the Configuration Index chapter.

Enhance Handling Interests for Installments   

The payment options in the form of installments will include an interest amount. The AE for the interest amount is created and included as part of the payment process.

Configuration Reference

The following key is introduced to support this feature:

  • se.adapter.s4ci.configuration.paymentConfiguration.installmentAirExtraGroup = 99 (default)
  • se.adapter.s4ci.configuration.paymentConfiguration.installmentAirExtraSubCode = JCC (default)

For more details refer to the Configuration Index chapter.